Day 11: Whispering Wall / Adelaide

Wow, this park is amazing! The toilets are first class – recently renovated and cleaned often. There aren’t too many other vans and the managers are very nice.

Teresa was fine today, so we decided to extend our stay here for a whole week. We’ll move on next Thursday 27th. There is a hot rod show on this Sunday, so the park will likely fill up over the weekend.

It rained half the night and most of the morning, so we took the opportunity to rest. I still can’t get a good night’s sleep with rain on the caravan roof yet, but I guess that will come with time. Teresa slept right through.

Once the weather cleared after lunch, we headed out to the Whispering Wall. The Whispering Wall is a dam wall finished in 1902 to provide water for Gawler and other northern country areas. It’s called the Whispering Wall because the dam wall has a parabolic shape so sound waves travel easily from one side to the other (140 meters).

Whispering Wall. If you look closely, you can see Teresa at the other end of the wall.

We happened to be there at a time when almost no one else was there. I walked across to the other side to try out the effect. Teresa apparently had thought a lot about what to say, and chose a quote from a Sci Fi TV show I like called Red Dwarf. Unfortunately, the quote was too obscure and I didn’t get it.

It was quite amazing hearing Teresa’s voice come seemingly from the wall in front of me. We definitely didn’t need to talk loudly to hear each other. Normal voices were fine – although I suspect a whisper would not have been heard.

I had read that you shouldn’t tease a dog by calling to him via the wall, so of course I had to try. Teresa had Leo over the other side and I called to him. He excitedly tried to find me where my voice was coming from, but because I wasn’t there, he figured I was up top so tried to scramble back up the stairs. Teresa calmed him down pretty quickly.

Surprise Stream

Teresa wanted to pick up something from Target and I wanted to go to Bunnings, so we headed for Elizabeth next – a northern suburb of Adelaide.

Google Maps directed us to a dirt road that looked like a fire track, but was fairly frequently used as we saw a number of cars driving on it. We thought “We’re in a 4WD, let’s go for it”. Lucky we did, as we came across a beautiful stream under the road.

Random Stream

And of course, while outside, we needed to take photos of fluffy.

Fluffy needs a haircut

Elizabeth / Gawler

We made it to the other side of the fire track and shopped in Elizabeth and Gawler. Nothing really interesting to report here – seen one shopping center, seen them all.

The trip back from Gawler was quick – around 20 mins. We ate the last of Maria’s supplied meals tonight. Tomorrow, we start to cook in the caravan proper. So first stop will be a farmer’s market. We’ve seen there is one in Mount Pleasant, so that will be our first stop tomorrow.

Bonus pic: Our current caravan site.


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