Day 26: Princetown to Apollo Bay

What a storm! A strong front came through last night, and buffeted the caravan around. The BoM said gusts of 100km/h were common. At one point there was also hail and lightning. Neither of us got much sleep (neither did many of the other campers we found out this morning).

Because of the atrocious weather, any thought of photographing the 12 Apostles was completely out. Checkout at the reserve is noon, so we had a leisurely morning – a long morning actually as we both work at 6am – in the caravan before packing up. Teresa made a lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs (Maria’s eggs).

We drove through the Otways National Park on the way to Apollo Bay. It was still windy and we had some rain so the drive through the mountains wasn’t that easy. We did pass through some amazing scenery and views though. At one point we both said ‘wow’ in unison!

We’re not staying at Apollo Bay itself, but at a caravan park a little south called Marengo. It’s a nice park on the ocean (no views unfortunately). It’s a little expensive – $37/night is more than we paid everywhere else other than Robe – but nice.

After a busy few days it was nice to relax this afternoon. Teresa made some pasta with Maria’s tomato sauce (thanks Maria for supplying two meals today!) and we plan to turn in early.

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